ICAPE Group's Commitment to
Ethics and Compliance Standards
ICAPE Group is committed to ensuring business is conducted in a way that promotes ethical behavior and legal compliance. All our employees and partners work hard to create and foster an environment that values integrity, openness and mutual respect.

Supplier Ethics Policy
Our suppliers agree to do their best and progress with us to best meet high ethical standards.
Their formal engagement to respect our Supplier Ethics Policy enables all the stakeholders to meet high ethical standards.
ICAPE Whistleblowing System
ICAPE Group has a strong commitment to integrity and ethics in doing business. As a part of it’s constant drive to deepen this commitment, ICAPE Integrity Line was created. This whistleblowing system allows any employee or stakeholder (suppliers, customers, etc.) to report misconducts that they may be aware of. ICAPE Integrity Line is open to anyone and is easy to use, confidential and allows anonymous reporting if need be.

ICAPE Integrity Line is open to all Group employees and external stakeholders who have personal knowledge of a misconduct. They may be : - Any Group Employees no matter their position, country, line of business - Any of the Group's external stakeholders, suppliers, customers, agents, community living next to our worksites, investors, non-financial rating agencies, etc.

ICAPE Group undertakes to treat the identity of the report’s author, the persons concerned and the facts with the utmost confidentiality.

Protection for whistleblower
The whistleblower is protected in accordance with the applicable regulations. No retaliatory measures, linked to the alert, will be taken against them by ICAPE. However, any abusive or inappropriate use of the whistleblowing system may give rise to further action.
ICAPE'S Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct
As part of its compliance program, ICAPE Group has taken several
measures to prevent and detect potential acts of corruption.
Our Anti-corruption code of conduct is one of these measures as it provides legal definitions
and examples of behaviors that might likely characterize acts of
corruption, making it easier to understand, identify and prevent
any corrupt behavior.